Farah Persian Rug


Bold And Dramatic

Want to customise your wedding look and feel creating lifelong memories and photo opportunities??  Of course!!  The Farah is the latest addition to our collection and definitely a great way to anchor your ceremony or reception space, adding a pop of colour and texture to compliment your overall theme and decor. 

Our growing collection of rugs comes in a wide variety of sizes, colours and patterns allowing you to totally customise your event the way you want!!  Bright and bold, boho, dark and moody we’ve got a wide selection for you to choose from.  Feel like making a dramatic entrance?  We’ve got stunning runners to make sure all eyes are firmly on you as you walk down the aisle!

One available

Dimensions: 2460 long x 1530 wide

$45.00 each

  • Note: there is no minimum hire on rugs.

    All rental prices are valid for up to a three-day hire period and do not include delivery charges. Please talk to us about a delivery quote for your event.


Natural Jute Rug


Cowhide Rug